Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in Oxford

Well, Christmas in Oxford begins early--in November! We decorated the house by Thanksgiving as celebrations begin that week. There are wonderful Advent and carol services at numerous churches throughout the city with the boys' choirs lifiting hearts and voices in heavenly songs. I attended two such services--both at Magdelen College, where Lewis taught when he was in Oxford. I didn't at first know we needed to get tickets so I went to "turn up" and was given a seat outside of the chapel area. Upon entering the church, I met with the vicar and since I know him, he asked where I was sitting and then offered to "trade" a guest ticket that he had in his hand--so, I sat up the top of the chapel, right behind the choir and two seats from the vicar who was performing the service. I did get tickets for the carol service but too late to get good seats, and once again, one of the chapel staff moved me (and a fortunate friend) up to the front of the chapel area. We had a good view of the choirs and the services were in honor of our Lord. What a perfect way to begin the Christmas season!

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